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This function finds the length of the longest continous period above/below a specified threshold light level or within a specified range of light levels.


  comparison = c("above", "below"),
  epoch = "dominant.epoch",
  loop = FALSE,
  na.replace = FALSE,
  na.rm = FALSE,
  as.df = FALSE



Numeric vector containing the light data.


Vector containing the time data. Can be POSIXct, hms, duration, or difftime.


String specifying whether the period of light levels above or below threshold should be calculated. Can be either "above" (the default) or "below". If two values are provided for threshold, this argument will be ignored.


Single numeric value or two numeric values specifying the threshold light level(s) to compare with. If a vector with two values is provided, the period of light levels within the two thresholds will be calculated.


The epoch at which the data was sampled. Can be either a duration or a string. If it is a string, it needs to be either "dominant.epoch" (the default) for a guess based on the data, or a valid duration string, e.g., "1 day" or "10 sec".


Logical. Should the data be looped? Defaults to FALSE.


Logical. Should missing values (NA) be replaced for the calculation? If TRUE missing values will not be removed but will result in FALSE when comparing Light.vector with threshold. Defaults to FALSE.


Logical. Should missing values (NA) be removed for the calculation? If TRUE, this argument will override na.replace. Defaults to FALSE.


Logical. Should a data frame be returned? If TRUE, a data frame with a single column named period_{comparison}_{threshold} will be returned. Defaults to FALSE.


A duration object (see duration) as single value, or single column data frame.


N <- 60
# Dataset with continous period of >250lx for 35min
dataset1 <-
    Id = rep("A", N),
    Datetime = lubridate::as_datetime(0) + lubridate::minutes(1:N),
    MEDI = c(sample(1:249, N-35, replace = TRUE), 
             sample(250:1000, 35, replace = TRUE))

dataset1 %>%
  dplyr::reframe("Period >250lx" = period_above_threshold(MEDI, Datetime, threshold = 250))
#> # A tibble: 1 × 1
#>   `Period >250lx`    
#>   <Duration>         
#> 1 2100s (~35 minutes)

dataset1 %>%
  dplyr::reframe("Period <250lx" = period_above_threshold(MEDI, Datetime, "below", threshold = 250))
#> # A tibble: 1 × 1
#>   `Period <250lx`    
#>   <Duration>         
#> 1 1500s (~25 minutes)

# Dataset with continous period of 100-250lx for 20min
dataset2 <-
    Id = rep("B", N),
    Datetime = lubridate::as_datetime(0) + lubridate::minutes(1:N),
    MEDI = c(sample(c(1:99, 251-1000), N-20, replace = TRUE), 
             sample(100:250, 20, replace = TRUE)),
dataset2 %>%
  dplyr::reframe("Period 250lx" = period_above_threshold(MEDI, Datetime, threshold = c(100,250)))
#> # A tibble: 1 × 1
#>   `Period 250lx`     
#>   <Duration>         
#> 1 1200s (~20 minutes)

# Return data frame
dataset1 %>%
  dplyr::reframe(period_above_threshold(MEDI, Datetime, threshold = 250, as.df = TRUE))
#> # A tibble: 1 × 1
#>   period_above_250   
#>   <Duration>         
#> 1 2100s (~35 minutes)