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This article focuses on the import from multiple files and participants, as well as the cleaning of the data. We need these packages:

From which devices can I import data?

LightLogR aims to provide standard import routines for all devices used in research on personal light exposure. Currently, the following devices are supported:

#>  [1] "Actiwatch_Spectrum"    "Actiwatch_Spectrum_de" "ActLumus"             
#>  [4] "ActTrust"              "Circadian_Eye"         "DeLux"                
#>  [7] "GENEActiv_GGIR"        "Kronowise"             "LiDo"                 
#> [10] "LightWatcher"          "LIMO"                  "LYS"                  
#> [13] "MotionWatch8"          "nanoLambda"            "OcuWEAR"              
#> [16] "Speccy"                "SpectraWear"           "VEET"

More Information on these devices can be found in the reference for import_Dataset().

What if my device is not listed?

If you are using a device that is currently not supported, please contact the developers. We are always looking to expand the range of supported devices. The easiest and most trackable way to get in contact is by opening a new issue on our Github repository. Please also provide a sample file of your data, so we can test the import function.

What if my device is listed but the import does not work as expected?

We regularly find that files exported from the same device model can differ in structure. This may be due to different settings, software or hardware updates. If you encounter problems with the import, please get in contact with us, e.g. by opening an issue on our Github repository. Please provide a sample file of your data.

Are there other ways to import data?

Yes. LightLogR simply requires a data.frame with a column containing datetime formatted data. Even a light data column is not strictly necessary, as LightLogR is optimized for, but not restricted to, light data. Further, an Id column is used in some functions to distinguish between different participants.

To make life easier when using functions in LightLogR, the datetime column should be named Datetime, the id column Id, and, if present, the melanopic EDI light information MEDI.

Lastly, you can modify or add import functions that build upon LightLogRs import functionality. See the last chapter in this article for more information on that.

Importing data

The first step in every analysis is data import. We will work with data collected as part of the Master Thesis Insights into real-world human light exposure: relating self-report with eye-level light logging by Carolina Guidolin (2023). The data is stored in 17 text files in the data/ folder. You can access the data yourself through the LightLogR GitHub repository.

path <- "data"
files <- list.files(path, full.names = TRUE)
#show how many files are listes
#> [1] 17

Next we require a time zone of data collection. If uncertain which time zones are valid, use the OlsonNames() function. Our data was collected in the “Europe/Berlin” time zone.

#first six time zones from OlsonNames()
#> [1] "Africa/Abidjan"     "Africa/Accra"       "Africa/Addis_Ababa"
#> [4] "Africa/Algiers"     "Africa/Asmara"      "Africa/Asmera"

#our time zone
tz <- "Europe/Berlin"

Lastly, the participant Ids are stored in the file names. We will extract them and store them in a column called Id. The following code defines the pattern as a regular expression, which will extract the first three digits from the file name.

pattern <- "^(\\d{3})"

Now we can import the data. Data were collected with the ActLumus device by Condor Instruments. The right way to specify this is through the import function.

data <- import$ActLumus(files, tz = tz, = pattern, print_n=33)
#> Successfully read in 1'034'650 observations across 17 Ids from 17 ActLumus-file(s).
#> Timezone set is Europe/Berlin.
#> The system timezone is UTC. Please correct if necessary!
#> Observations in the following 2 file(s) cross to or from daylight savings time (DST): 
#> 221_actlumus_Log_1607_20231030121531432
#> 222_actlumus_Log_1020_20231030140039534
#> Please make sure that the timestamps in the source files correctly reflect these changes from DST<>ST. 
#> To adjust datetimes after a jump, set `dst_adjustment = TRUE` or see `?dst_change_handler` for manual adjustment.
#> First Observation: 2023-08-14 10:55:21
#> Last Observation: 2023-10-30 15:00:32
#> Timespan: 77 days
#> Observation intervals: 
#>    Id    interval.time              n pct  
#>  1 201   10s                    60042 100% 
#>  2 202   10s                    59957 100% 
#>  3 204   10s                    61980 100% 
#>  4 205   10s                    61015 100% 
#>  5 206   10s                    60691 100% 
#>  6 206   23s                        1 0%   
#>  7 206   59575s (~16.55 hours)      1 0%   
#>  8 208   10s                    59853 100% 
#>  9 209   10s                    60084 100% 
#> 10 210   10s                    60701 100% 
#> 11 212   10s                    59478 100% 
#> 12 213   10s                    59720 100% 
#> 13 214   10s                    61836 100% 
#> 14 214   16s                        1 0%   
#> 15 214   1197207s (~1.98 weeks)     1 0%   
#> 16 215   7s                         1 0%   
#> 17 215   10s                    60707 100% 
#> 18 216   10s                    61760 100% 
#> 19 216   19s                        1 0%   
#> 20 216   240718s (~2.79 days)       1 0%   
#> 21 218   8s                         1 0%   
#> 22 218   10s                    60929 100% 
#> 23 218   11s                        1 0%   
#> 24 219   9s                         1 0%   
#> 25 219   10s                    61634 100% 
#> 26 219   16s                        1 0%   
#> 27 219   583386s (~6.75 days)       1 0%   
#> 28 221   9s                         1 0%   
#> 29 221   10s                    62340 100% 
#> 30 221   19s                        1 0%   
#> 31 221   3610s (~1 hours)           1 0%   
#> 32 222   10s                    61890 100% 
#> 33 222   3610s (~1 hours)           1 0%

My import is slow. Why is that and can I speed it up?

There are several possibilities, why the import is slow. The most common reasons are:

  • The data files are simply large. With short measurement intervals, many participants, and long measurement periods, files for a single study can easily reach several gigabytes. This takes some time to import and is ok.

  • The data files contain many gaps. During import, LightLogR checks for and visualizes gaps in the data. Especially large datasets with small intervals contain many gaps, which can slow down the import process.

  • The device model you are importing from has non-consistent data structures. Some devices have a varying number of rows before the actual data starts. This means a small portion of every file has to be read in and the correct starting row has to be found. This can slow down the import process if you have many files.

If you are experiencing slow imports, you can try the following:

  • Only read in part of your datasets, or split your dataset into several pieces, that each gets loaded in separately. You can combine them afterwards with join_datasets().

  • If you have many gaps in your data, you can set auto.plot = FALSE in the import function. This will eliminate the call to gg_overview(), which calculates and visualizes the gaps in the data.

Data cleaning #1

Before we can dive into the analysis part, we need to make sure we have a clean dataset. The import summary shows us two problems with the data:

  • two files have data that crosses daylight saving time (DST) changes. Because the ActLumus device does not adjust for DST, we need to correct for this.

  • Multiple Ids have single datapoints at the beginning of the dataset with gaps before actual data collection starts. These are test measurements to check equipment, but must be removed from the dataset.

Let us first deal with the DST change. LightLogR has an in-built function to correct for this during import. We thus will re-import the data, but make the import silent as to not clutter the output.

data <- 
  import$ActLumus(files, tz = tz, = pattern, dst_adjustment = TRUE, silent = TRUE)

The second problem requires the filtering of certain Ids. The filter_Datetime_multiple() function is ideal for this. We can provide a length (1 week), starting from the end of data collection and backwards. The variable arguments provide variable arguments to the filter function, they have to be provided in list form and expressions have to be quoted throughquote(). Fixed arguments, like the length andlength_from_start\ are provided as named arguments and only have to be specified once, as they are the same for all Ids.

data <- 
  data %>% 
    arguments = list(
      list(only_Id = quote(Id == 216)),
      list(only_Id = quote(Id == 219)),
      list(only_Id = quote(Id == 214)),
      list(only_Id = quote(Id == 206))
    ), length = "1 week", length_from_start = FALSE)

Let’s have a look at the data again with the gg_overview() function.

Looks much better now. Also, because there is no longer a hint about gaps in the lower right corner, we can be sure that all gaps have been removed. The function gap_finder() shows us, however, that there are still irregularities in the data and the function count_difftime() reveals where they are.

data %>% gap_finder()
#> Found 183580 gaps. 847054 Datetimes fall into the regular sequence.
data %>% count_difftime() %>% print(n=22)
#> # A tibble: 22 × 3
#> # Groups:   Id [17]
#>    Id    difftime       n
#>    <fct> <Duration> <int>
#>  1 221   10s        62341
#>  2 204   10s        61980
#>  3 222   10s        61891
#>  4 205   10s        61015
#>  5 218   10s        60929
#>  6 215   10s        60707
#>  7 210   10s        60701
#>  8 206   10s        60479
#>  9 214   10s        60479
#> 10 216   10s        60479
#> 11 219   10s        60479
#> 12 209   10s        60084
#> 13 201   10s        60042
#> 14 202   10s        59957
#> 15 208   10s        59853
#> 16 213   10s        59720
#> 17 212   10s        59478
#> 18 215   7s             1
#> 19 218   8s             1
#> 20 218   11s            1
#> 21 221   9s             1
#> 22 221   19s            1

This means we have to look at and take care of the irregularities for the Ids 215, 218, and 221.

Data cleaning #2

Let us first visualize where the irregularities are. We can use gg_days() for that.

#create two columns to show the irregularities and gaps for relevant ids
difftimes <- 
  data %>% 
  filter(Id %in% c(215, 218, 221)) %>%
  mutate(difftime = difftime(lead(Datetime), Datetime, units = "secs"),
                  end = Datetime + seconds(difftime))

#visualize where those points are
difftimes %>% 
  gg_days(geom = "point", 
          x.axis.breaks = ~Datetime_breaks(.x, by = "2 days" )
  ) +
  geom_rect(data = difftimes %>% filter(difftime !=10),
            aes(xmin = Datetime, xmax = end, ymin = -Inf, ymax = Inf),
            fill = "red", col = "red", linewidth = 0.2, alpha = 0.2) +
    gghighlight(difftime != 10 | lag(difftime !=10))

All irregular data appear at the very beginning of the data collection. As we are interestet in one whole week of data, we can similarly apply a one week filter on these Ids and see if that removed the irregular data points.

data <- 
  data %>% 
    arguments = list(
      list(only_Id = quote(Id == 215)),
      list(only_Id = quote(Id == 218)),
      list(only_Id = quote(Id == 221))
    ), length = "1 week", length_from_start = FALSE)

data %>% gap_finder()
#> No gaps found
data %>% count_difftime() %>% print(n=17)
#> # A tibble: 17 × 3
#> # Groups:   Id [17]
#>    Id    difftime       n
#>    <fct> <Duration> <int>
#>  1 204   10s        61980
#>  2 222   10s        61891
#>  3 205   10s        61015
#>  4 221   10s        60839
#>  5 210   10s        60701
#>  6 206   10s        60479
#>  7 214   10s        60479
#>  8 215   10s        60479
#>  9 216   10s        60479
#> 10 218   10s        60479
#> 11 219   10s        60479
#> 12 209   10s        60084
#> 13 201   10s        60042
#> 14 202   10s        59957
#> 15 208   10s        59853
#> 16 213   10s        59720
#> 17 212   10s        59478

The data is now clean and we can proceed with the analysis. This dataset will be needed in other articles, so we will save it as an RDS file.

# saveRDS(data, "cleaned_data/ll_data.rds")

Importing data: Miscellaneous

Other import arguments

Other potentially important arguments are the locale argument - this is useful if you have special characters in your data (e.g. German ü or ä) that are not recognized by the default locale. Look at readr::default_locale() for more information.

The ... argument is passed through to whichever import function is used for the data. For some devices, it is also used to provide additional information, such as column_names for the Actiwatch devices, that differ depending on the language setting of the device and software. Whether a device requires additional information can be found in the import documentation (see import_Dataset()).

Other ways to call import

Instead of using the import function as described above (import$device()), you can also use the function import_Dataset() and specify the device as a character string in the first argument. This might be useful if you want to import data programmatically from different devices, e.g., through a purrr::map() function. Only supported_devices() will be accepted by the function.

Here is an example:

devices <- c("ActLumus", "Speccy")
files_AL <- c("path/to/ActLumus/file1.csv", "path/to/ActLumus/file2.csv")
files_Sy <- c("path/to/Speccy/file1.csv", "path/to/Speccy/file2.csv")
tz <- "Europe/Berlin"

data <- purrr::map2(devices, list(files_AL, files_Sy), import_Dataset, tz = tz)

This way, you will end with a list of two dataframes, one with the ActLumus data and one with the Speccy data.

Creating your own import function

Note: This section is for advanced users only. You should be familiar with expressions in R and how to manipulate them.

LightLogR comes with a number of custom import routines for different devices, that are then implemented into the main import function, which covers some general aspects and also creates the summary overview.

If you would like to write your own custom import function, LightLogR has you covered. First, you can see what makes all the import functions tick by looking at the included data set ll_import_expr(). This is a list of all the individual routines. Let’s have a look at the ActLumus routine

#> {
#>     data <- suppressMessages(readr::read_delim(filename, skip = 32, 
#>         delim = ";", n_max = n_max, col_types = paste0("c", paste0(rep("d", 
#>             32), collapse = "")), id = "", locale = locale, 
#>         name_repair = "universal", ...))
#>     data <- data %>% dplyr::rename(Datetime = DATE.TIME, MEDI = MELANOPIC.EDI) %>% 
#>         dplyr::mutate(Datetime = Datetime %>% lubridate::dmy_hms(tz = tz))
#> }

We can see, it is rather simple, just a few lines of code. You can write your own expression and create an import function with it. The expression should create a data variable that contains the import script for the files. At the end of the expression, the data variable should contain the imported dataset and include a correctly formatted Datetime column, complete with the correct timezone.

Here we will create a variation of the old routine, that just adds a short message:

new_import_expr <- ll_import_expr()
new_import_expr$ActLumus_new <- new_import_expr$ActLumus
new_import_expr$ActLumus_new[[4]] <- 
  rlang::expr({ cat("**Congratulation, you made a new import function**\n")
#> {
#>     data <- suppressMessages(readr::read_delim(filename, skip = 32, 
#>         delim = ";", n_max = n_max, col_types = paste0("c", paste0(rep("d", 
#>             32), collapse = "")), id = "", locale = locale, 
#>         name_repair = "universal", ...))
#>     data <- data %>% dplyr::rename(Datetime = DATE.TIME, MEDI = MELANOPIC.EDI) %>% 
#>         dplyr::mutate(Datetime = Datetime %>% lubridate::dmy_hms(tz = tz))
#>     {
#>         cat("**Congratulation, you made a new import function**\n")
#>         data
#>     }
#> }

We can now create a new import function with this expression. The function will be called import$ActLumus_new().

import <- import_adjustment(new_import_expr)

Let us now import a file of the previous dataset, setting the main summary and plotting function silent

data <- import$ActLumus_new(files[1], tz = tz, = pattern, 
                         auto.plot = FALSE, silent = TRUE)
#> **Congratulation, you made a new import function**