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You are tasked with visualizing a day of light logger data, worn by a participant over the course of one week. You´re supposed to show the data in comparison with what is available outside in unobstructed daylight. And, to make matters slightly more complex, you also want to show how the participant´s luminous exposure compares to the current recommendations of healthy daytime, evening, and nighttime light exporsure. While the figure is nothing special in itself, working with light logger data to get the data ready for plotting is fraught with many hurdles, beginning with various raw data structures depending on the device manufacturer, varying temporal resolutions, implicit missing data, irregular data, working with Datetimes, and so forth. LightLogR aims to make this process easier by providing a holistic workflow for the data from import over validation up to and including figure generation and metric calculation.

This article guides you through the process of

  • importing Light Logger data from a participant as well as the environment, and sleep data about the same participant

  • creating exploratory visualizations to select a good day for the figure

  • connecting the datasets to a coherent whole and setting recommended light levels based on the sleep data

  • creating an appealing visualization with various styles to finish the task

Let´s head right in by loading the package! We will also work a bit with data manipulation, display the odd table, and enroll the help of several plotting aids from the ggplot2 package, so we will also need the tidyverse and the gt package. Later on, we want to combine plots, this is where patchwork will come in.

Importing Data

The data we need are part of the LightLogR package. They are unprocessed (after device export) data from light loggers (and a diary app for capturing sleep times). All data is anonymous, and we can access it through the following paths:

path <- system.file("extdata", 
              package = "LightLogR")

file.LL <- ""
file.env <- ""
file.sleep <- "205_sleepdiary_all_20230904.csv"

Participant Light Logger Data

LightLogR provides convenient import functions for a range of supported devices (use the command supported_devices() if you want to see what devices are supported at present). Because LightLogR knows how the files from these devices are structured, it needs very little input. In fact, the mere filepath would suffice. It is, however, a good idea to also provide the timezone argument tz to specify that these measurements were made in the Europe/Berlin timezone. This makes your data future-proof for when it is used in comparison with other geolocations.

Every light logger dataset needs an Id to connect or separate observations from the same or different participant/device/study/etc. If we don´t provide an Id to the import function (or the dataset doesn´t contain an Id column), the filename will be used as an Id. As this would be rather cumbersome in our case, we will use a regex to extract the first three digits from the filename, which serve this purpose here.

tz <- "Europe/Berlin"
dataset.LL <- import$ActLumus(file.LL, path, = "^(\\d{3})", tz = tz)
#> Successfully read in 61'016 observations across 1 Ids from 1 ActLumus-file(s).
#> Timezone set is Europe/Berlin.
#> The system timezone is UTC. Please correct if necessary!
#> First Observation: 2023-08-28 08:47:54
#> Last Observation: 2023-09-04 10:17:04
#> Timespan: 7.1 days
#> Observation intervals: 
#>   Id    interval.time     n pct  
#> 1 205   10s           61015 100%

As you can see, the import is accompanied by a (hopefully) helpful message about the imported data. It contains the number ob measurements, the timezone, start- and enddate, the timespan, and all observation intervals. In this case, the measurements all follow a 10 second epoch. We also get a plotted overview of the data. In our case, this is not particularly helpful, but quickly helps to assess how different datasets compare to one another on the timeline. We could deactivate this plot by setting auto.plot = FALSE during import, or create it separately with the gg_overview() function.

Because we have no missing values that we would have to deal with first, this dataset is already good to go. If you, e.g., want to know the range of melanopic EDI (a measure of stimulus strength for the nonvisual system) for every day in the dataset, you can do that:

dataset.LL %>% group_by(Date = as_date(Datetime)) %>% 
  summarize(range.MEDI = range(MEDI) %>% str_flatten(" - ")) %>% gt()
Date range.MEDI
2023-08-28 0 - 10647.22
2023-08-29 0 - 7591.5
2023-08-30 0 - 10863.57
2023-08-31 0 - 10057.08
2023-09-01 0 - 67272.17
2023-09-02 0 - 106835.71
2023-09-03 0 - 57757.9
2023-09-04 0 - 64323.52

Same goes for visualization - it is always helpful to get a good look at data immediately after import. The gg_day() function creates a simple ggplot of the data, stacked vertically by Days. The function needs very little input beyond the dataset (in fact, it would even work without the size input, which just makes the default point size smaller, and the interactive command sends the output to plotly to facilitate data exploration). gg_day() features a lot of flexibility, and can be adapted and extended to fit various needs, as we will see shortly.

dataset.LL %>% gg_day(size = 0.25, interactive = TRUE)

We can already see some patterns and features in the luminous exposure across the days. In general, the participant seems to have woken (or at least started wearing the light logger) after 9:00 and went to bed (or, again, stopped wearing the device) at around 23:00.

Environmental Light Data

On to our next dataset. This one contains measurement data from the same type of device, but recorded on a rooftop position of unobstructed daylight in roughly the same location as the participant data. As the device type is the same, import is the same as well. But since the filename does not contain the participant´s ID this time, we will give it a manual id: "CW35".

dataset.env <- import$ActLumus(file.env, path, = "CW35", tz = tz)
#> Successfully read in 20'143 observations across 1 Ids from 1 ActLumus-file(s).
#> Timezone set is Europe/Berlin.
#> The system timezone is UTC. Please correct if necessary!
#> First Observation: 2023-08-28 08:28:39
#> Last Observation: 2023-09-04 08:19:38
#> Timespan: 7 days
#> Observation intervals: 
#>   Id    interval.time     n pct  
#> 1 CW35  29s               1 0%   
#> 2 CW35  30s           20141 100%

Here you can see that we follow roughly the same time span, but the measurement epoch is 30 seconds, with one odd interval which is one second shorter.

Participant Sleep Data

Our last dataset is a sleep diary that contains, among other things, a column for Id and a column for sleep and for wake (called offset). Because sleep diaries and other event datasets can vary widely in their structure, we must manually set a few arguments. Importantly, we need to specify how the Datetimes are structured. In this case, we have values like 28-08-2023 23:20, which give a structure of dmyHM.

What we need after import is a coherent table that contains a column with a Datetime besides a column with the State that starts at that point in time. import_Statechanges() facilitates this, because we can provide a vector of column names that form a continuous indicator of a given state - in this case Sleep.

dataset.sleep <- 
  import_Statechanges(file.sleep, path, 
                      Datetime.format = "dmyHM",
                      State.colnames = c("sleep", "offset"),
                      State.encoding = c("sleep", "wake"),
                      Id.colname = record_id,
                      sep = ";",
                      dec = ",",
                      tz = tz)
#> Successfully read in 14 observations across 1 Ids from 1 Statechanges-file(s).
#> Timezone set is Europe/Berlin.
#> The system timezone is UTC. Please correct if necessary!
#> First Observation: 2023-08-28 23:20:00
#> Last Observation: 2023-09-04 07:25:00
#> Timespan: 6.3 days
#> Observation intervals: 
#>    Id    interval.time             n pct  
#>  1 205   34860s (~9.68 hours)      1 8%   
#>  2 205   35520s (~9.87 hours)      1 8%   
#>  3 205   35700s (~9.92 hours)      1 8%   
#>  4 205   36000s (~10 hours)        1 8%   
#>  5 205   36900s (~10.25 hours)     1 8%   
#>  6 205   37020s (~10.28 hours)     1 8%   
#>  7 205   37920s (~10.53 hours)     1 8%   
#>  8 205   45780s (~12.72 hours)     1 8%   
#>  9 205   48480s (~13.47 hours)     1 8%   
#> 10 205   49200s (~13.67 hours)     1 8%   
#> # ℹ 3 more rows

dataset.sleep %>% head() %>% gt()
State Datetime
sleep 2023-08-28 23:20:00
wake 2023-08-29 09:37:00
sleep 2023-08-29 23:40:00
wake 2023-08-30 09:21:00
sleep 2023-08-30 23:15:00
wake 2023-08-31 09:47:00

Now that we have imported all of our data, we need to combine it sensibly, which we will get to in the next section.

Connecting Data

Connecting the data, in this case, means giving context to our participant’s luminous exposure data. There are a number of hurdles attached to connecting time series data, because data from different sets rarely align perfectly. Often their measurements are off by at least some seconds, or even use different measurement epochs.

Also, we have the sleep data, which only has time stamps whenever there is a change in status. Also - and this is crucial - it might have missing entries! LightLogR provides a few helpful functions however, to deal with these topics without resorting to rounding or averaging data to a common multiple.

Solar Potential

Let us start with the environmental measurements of unobstructed daylight. These can be seen as a natural potential of luminous exposure and thus serve as a reference for our participant´s luminous exposure.

With the data2reference() function, we will create this reference. This function is extraordinarily powerful in that it can create a reference tailored to the light logger data from any source that has the wanted Reference column (in this case the MEDI column, which is the default), a Datetime column, and the same grouping structure (Id) as the light logger data set.

data2reference() can even create a reference from a subset of the data itself. For example this makes it possible to have the first (or second, etc.) day of the data as reference for all other days. It can further apply one participant as the reference for all other participants, even when their measurements are on different times. In our case it is only necessary to specify the argument = TRUE, as we want the reference Id(“CW35”) to be applied across the Id from the participant (“205”).

dataset.LL <- 
  dataset.LL %>% data2reference( = dataset.env, = TRUE)

dataset.LL <- 
  dataset.LL %>% select(Id, Datetime, MEDI, Reference)

dataset.LL %>% head() %>% gt()
Datetime MEDI Reference
2023-08-28 08:47:54 0.77 403.32
2023-08-28 08:48:04 2.33 403.32
2023-08-28 08:48:14 5.63 403.32
2023-08-28 08:48:24 6.03 454.96
2023-08-28 08:48:34 5.86 454.96
2023-08-28 08:48:44 6.04 454.96

For the sake of this example, we have also removed unnecessary data columns, which makes the further code examples simpler. We can already see in the table above that the reference at the start of the measurements is quite a bit higher than the luminous exposure at the participant´s light logger. We also see that the same reference value is applied to three participant values. This mirrors the fact that for every three measurements taken with the participant device, one measurement epoch for the environmental sensor passes.

To visualize this newly reached reference data, we can easily extend gg_day() with a dashed red reference line. Keep in mind that this visualization is still exploratory, so we are not investing heavily in styling.

dataset.LL %>% 
  gg_day(size = 0.25) + geom_line(aes(y=Reference), lty = 2, col = "red")
#> Warning: Removed 707 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
#> (`geom_line()`).

Here, a warning about missing values was added. This is simply due to the fact that not every data point on the x-axis has a corresponding y-axis-value. The two datasets largely align, but at the fringes, especially the last day, there is some non-overlap. When we perform calculations based on the light logger data and the reference, we have to keep in mind that only timesteps where both are present will give non NA results.

While basic, the graph already shows valuable information about the potential light stimulus compared to actual exposure. In the morning hours, this participant never reached a significant light dose, while luminous exposure in the evening regularly was on par with daytime levels, especially on the 29th. Let us see how these measurements compare to recommendations for luminous exposure.

Brown et al.(2022)1 provide guidance for healthy, daytime dependent light stimuli, measured in melanopic EDI:

Throughout the daytime, the recommended minimum melanopic EDI is 250 lux at the eye measured in the vertical plane at approximately 1.2 m height (i.e., vertical illuminance at eye level when seated). If available, daylight should be used in the first instance to meet these levels. If additional electric lighting is required, the polychromatic white light should ideally have a spectrum that, like natural daylight, is enriched in shorter wavelengths close to the peak of the melanopic action spectrum.

During the evening, starting at least 3 hours before bedtime, the recommended maximum melanopic EDI is 10 lux measured at the eye in the vertical plane approximately 1.2 m height. To help achieve this, where possible, the white light should have a spectrum depleted in short wavelengths close to the peak of the melanopic action spectrum.

The sleep environment should be as dark as possible. The recommended maximum ambient melanopic EDI is 1 lux measured at the eye. In case certain activities during the nighttime require vision, the recommended maximum melanopic EDI is 10 lux measured at the eye in the vertical plane at approximately 1.2 m height.

We can see that bedtime is an important factor when determining the timepoints these three stages go into effect. Luckily we just so happen to have the sleep/wake data from the sleep diary at hand. In a first step, we will convert the timepoints where a state changes into intervals during which the participant is awake or asleep. The sc2interval() function provides this readily.

In our case the first entry is sleep, so we can safely assume, that on that day prior the participant was awake. We could take this into account through the starting.state = "wake" argument setting, but then it would be implied that the participant was awake from midnight on. As the first day of data is only partial anyways, we will disregard this. There are other arguments to sc2interval() to further refine the interval creation. Probably the most important is length.restriction, that sets the maximum length of an interval, the default being 24 hours. This avoids implausibly long intervals with one state that is highly likely caused by implicit missing data or misentries.

dataset.sleep <- dataset.sleep %>% sc2interval()
dataset.sleep %>% head() %>% gt()
State Interval
NA 2023-08-28 00:00:00 CEST--2023-08-28 23:20:00 CEST
sleep 2023-08-28 23:20:00 CEST--2023-08-29 09:37:00 CEST
wake 2023-08-29 09:37:00 CEST--2023-08-29 23:40:00 CEST
sleep 2023-08-29 23:40:00 CEST--2023-08-30 09:21:00 CEST
wake 2023-08-30 09:21:00 CEST--2023-08-30 23:15:00 CEST
sleep 2023-08-30 23:15:00 CEST--2023-08-31 09:47:00 CEST

Now we can transform these sleep/wake intervals to intervals for the Brown recommendations. The sleep_int2Brown() function facilitates this.

Brown.intervals <- dataset.sleep %>% sleep_int2Brown()
Brown.intervals %>% head() %>% gt()
State.Brown Interval
NA 2023-08-28 00:00:00 CEST--2023-08-28 20:20:00 CEST
evening 2023-08-28 20:20:00 CEST--2023-08-28 23:20:00 CEST
night 2023-08-28 23:20:00 CEST--2023-08-29 09:37:00 CEST
day 2023-08-29 09:37:00 CEST--2023-08-29 20:40:00 CEST
evening 2023-08-29 20:40:00 CEST--2023-08-29 23:40:00 CEST
night 2023-08-29 23:40:00 CEST--2023-08-30 09:21:00 CEST

We can see that the function fit a 3 hour interval in-between every sleep and wake phase, and also recoded the states. This data can now be applied to our light logger dataset. This is done through the interval2state() function2. We already used this function unknowingly, because it (alongside sc2interval()) is under the hood of data2reference(), making sure that data in the reference set is spread out accordingly.

dataset.LL <- 
  dataset.LL %>% 
    State.interval.dataset = Brown.intervals, State.colname = State.Brown)
dataset.LL %>% tail() %>% gt()
Datetime MEDI Reference State.Brown
2023-09-04 10:16:14 321.10 NA day
2023-09-04 10:16:24 310.92 NA day
2023-09-04 10:16:34 309.07 NA day
2023-09-04 10:16:44 319.95 NA day
2023-09-04 10:16:54 326.11 NA day
2023-09-04 10:17:04 324.52 NA day

Now we have a column in our light logger dataset that declares all the three state for the Brown et al. recommendation. With another function, Brown2reference(), we can in one swoop add the threshhold accompanied to these states and check whether our participant is within the recommendations or not. The only thing the function needs is a name where to put the recommended values - by default these would go to Reference, which is already used for the Solar exposition, which is why we put it in Reference.Brown.

dataset.LL <- dataset.LL %>% Brown2reference(Brown.rec.colname = Reference.Brown)
dataset.LL %>% select(!Reference.Brown.label, !Reference.Brown.difference) %>% tail() %>% gt()
Datetime MEDI Reference State.Brown Reference.Brown Reference.Brown.check Reference.Brown.difference Reference.Brown.label
2023-09-04 10:16:14 321.10 NA day 250 TRUE 71.10 Brown et al. (2022)
2023-09-04 10:16:24 310.92 NA day 250 TRUE 60.92 Brown et al. (2022)
2023-09-04 10:16:34 309.07 NA day 250 TRUE 59.07 Brown et al. (2022)
2023-09-04 10:16:44 319.95 NA day 250 TRUE 69.95 Brown et al. (2022)
2023-09-04 10:16:54 326.11 NA day 250 TRUE 76.11 Brown et al. (2022)
2023-09-04 10:17:04 324.52 NA day 250 TRUE 74.52 Brown et al. (2022)

Brown2reference() added four columns, two of which are shown in the table above. A third column contains a text label about the type of reference, sth. we could also have added for the solar exposition and the fourth column contains the difference between actual mel EDI and the recommendations. Now let´s have a quick look at the result in the plot overview

dataset.LL %>% #dataset
  gg_day(size = 0.25) + #base plot
  geom_line(aes(y=Reference), lty = 2, col = "red") + #solar reference
  geom_line(aes(y=Reference.Brown), lty = 2, col = "blue") #Brown reference
#> Warning: Removed 707 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
#> (`geom_line()`).
#> Warning: Removed 4153 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
#> (`geom_line()`).

Looking good so far! In the next section, let us focus on picking out one day and get more into styling. Based on the available data I think 01/09 looks promising, as there is some variation during the day with some timeframes outside in the afternoon and a varied but typical luminous exposure in the evening.

We can use the filter_Date() function to easily cut this specific chunk out from the data. We also deactivate the facetting function from gg_day(), as we only have one day.

dataset.LL.partial <- 
dataset.LL %>% #dataset
  filter_Date(start = "2023-09-01", length = days(1)) #use only one day

solar.reference <-   geom_line(aes(y=Reference), lty = 2, col = "red") #solar reference
brown.reference <-   geom_line(aes(y=Reference.Brown), lty = 2, col = "blue") #Brown reference

dataset.LL.partial  %>% 
  gg_day(size = 0.25, facetting = FALSE, y.scale = symlog_trans()) + #base plot
  solar.reference + brown.reference

Styling Data

Let us finish our task by exploring some styling options for our graph. All of these are built on the dataset we ended up with in the last section. We had to use several functions as processing steps, but it has to be noted that we rarely had to specify arguments in functions. This is due to the workflow LightLogR provides start to finish. Most of the techniques in this section are not specific to LightLogR, but rather show that you can readily use data processed with the package to work with standard plotting function.

Firstly, though, let us slightly tweak the y-axis.

scale.correction <- coord_cartesian(
  xlim = c(0, 24.5*60*60), #make sure the x axis covers 24 hours (+a bit for the label)
  expand = FALSE)  #set the axis limits exactly at ylim and xlim

Participants luminous exposure

By default, gg_day() uses a point geom for the data display. We can, however, play around with other geoms.

dataset.LL.partial  %>% 
    size = 0.25, geom = "point", facetting = FALSE) + #base plot
  solar.reference + brown.reference + scale.correction

This is the standard behavior of gg_day(). We would not have to specify the geom = "point" in this case, but being verbose should communicate that we specify this argument.

dataset.LL.partial  %>% 
    size = 0.25, facetting = FALSE, geom = "line") + #base plot
  solar.reference + brown.reference + scale.correction

The line geom shows changes in luminous exposure a bit better and might be a better choice in this case.

dataset.LL.partial  %>% 
  gg_day(facetting = FALSE, geom = "ribbon", alpha = 0.25, size = 0.25,
         fill = "#EFC000", color = "#EFC000") + #base plot
  solar.reference + brown.reference + scale.correction

The geom_area fills an area from 0 up to the given value. For some reason, however, this is very slow and unfortunately doesn´t work nicely with purely logarithmic plots (where 10^0 = 1, so it would start at 13). We can, however, disable any geom in gg_day() with geom = "blank" and instead add a geom_ribbon that can be force-based to zero with ymin = 0. Setting geom = "ribbon" does this automatically behind the scenes and is very fast.

dataset.LL.partial  %>% 
  cut_Datetime(unit = "30 minutes") %>% #provide an interval for the boxplot
  gg_day(size = 0.25, facetting = FALSE, geom = "boxplot", group = Datetime.rounded) + #base plot
  solar.reference + brown.reference + scale.correction

To create a boxplot representation, we not only need to specify the geom but also what time interval we want the boxplot to span. Here the cut_Datetime() function from LightLogR comes to the rescue. It will round the datetimes to the desired interval, which then can be specified as the group argument of gg_day(). While this can be a nice representation, I don´t think it fits our goal for the overall figure in our specific case.

dataset.LL.partial  %>% gg_day(
  size = 0.25, facetting = FALSE, geom = "bin2d", 
  jco_color = FALSE, bins = 24, aes_fill = stat(count)) + #base plot
  solar.reference + brown.reference + scale.correction

The geom family of hex, bin2d, or density_2d is particularly well suited if you have many, possibly overlaying observations. It reduces complexity by cutting the x- and y-axis into bins and counts how many observations fall within this bin. By choosing 24 bins, we see dominant values for every hour of the day. The jco_color = FALSE argument is necessary to disable the default discrete color scheme of gg_day(), because a continuous scale is necessary for counts or densities. Finally, we have to use the aes_fill = stat(count) argument to color the bins according to the number of observations in the bin4.

Conclusion: The line or ribbon geom seem like a good choice for our task. However, The high resolution of the data (10 seconds) makes the line very noisy. Sometimes this level of detail is good, but our figure should give more of a general representation of luminous exposure, so we should aggregate the data somewhat. We can use a similar function as for the boxplot, aggregate_Datetime() and use this to aggregate our data to the desired resolution. It has sensible defaults to handle numeric (mean), logical and character (most represented) data, that can be adjusted. For the sake of this example, let´s wrap the aggregate function with some additional code to recalculate the Brown_recommendations, because while the default numeric aggregation is fine for measurement data, it does not make sense for the Brown_recommendations column.

aggregate_Datetime2 <- function(...) {
  aggregate_Datetime(...) %>% #aggregate the data
  select(-Reference.Brown) %>% #remove the rounded 
  Brown2reference(Brown.rec.colname = Reference.Brown) #recalculate the brown times

Data aggregation

With the new aggregate function, let us taste some variants:

dataset.LL.partial  %>% 
  gg_day(facetting = FALSE, geom = "ribbon", alpha = 0.25, size = 0.25,
         fill = "#EFC000", color = "#EFC000") + #base plot
  solar.reference + brown.reference + scale.correction

dataset.LL.partial %>% aggregate_Datetime2(unit = "1 min")  %>% 
  gg_day(facetting = FALSE, geom = "ribbon", alpha = 0.25, size = 0.25,
         fill = "#EFC000", color = "#EFC000") + #base plot
  solar.reference + brown.reference + scale.correction

dataset.LL.partial %>% aggregate_Datetime2(unit = "5 mins")  %>% 
  gg_day(facetting = FALSE, geom = "ribbon", alpha = 0.25, size = 0.25,
         fill = "#EFC000", color = "#EFC000") + #base plot
  solar.reference + brown.reference + scale.correction

dataset.LL.partial %>% aggregate_Datetime2(unit = "30 mins") %>% 
  gg_day(facetting = FALSE, geom = "ribbon", alpha = 0.25, size = 0.25,
         fill = "#EFC000", color = "#EFC000") + #base plot
  solar.reference + brown.reference + scale.correction

dataset.LL.partial %>% aggregate_Datetime2(unit = "1 hour")  %>% 
  gg_day(facetting = FALSE, geom = "ribbon", alpha = 0.25, size = 0.25,
         fill = "#EFC000", color = "#EFC000") + #base plot
  solar.reference + brown.reference + scale.correction

Conclusion: The 1 minute aggregate still is pretty noisy, whereas the 30 minutes and 1 hour steps are to rough. 5 Minutes seem a good balance.

Plot <- 
dataset.LL.partial %>% aggregate_Datetime2(unit = "5 mins")  %>% 
  gg_day(facetting = FALSE, geom = "ribbon", alpha = 0.25, size = 0.25,
         fill = "#EFC000", color = "#EFC000") + #base plot
  brown.reference + scale.correction

Solar Potential

Let us focus next on the solar potential that is not harnessed by the participant. We have several choices in how to represent this.

Plot + 
  geom_line(aes(y=Reference), lty = 2, col = "red") #solar reference

This was our base representation for the solar exposure. And it is not a bad one at that. Let’s keep it in the run for know.

Plot + 
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = MEDI, ymax=Reference), alpha = 0.25, fill = "#0073C2FF") #solar reference

This is a ribbon that shows the missed - and at night exceeded - potential due to daylight.

#Note: This will become a function of its own in LightLogR at some point in the future

Plot_upper <- 
dataset.LL.partial %>% aggregate_Datetime2(unit = "5 mins") %>% 
  gg_day(facetting = FALSE, geom = "ribbon", alpha = 0.25, size = 0.4,
         fill = "#EFC000", color = "#EFC000") + #base plot
  geom_line(aes(y=Reference.Brown), lty = 2, col = "red") + #Brown reference
  geom_line(aes(y=Reference), col = "#0073C2FF", size = 0.4) + #solar reference
  labs(x = NULL) +  #remove the x-axis label

Plot_lower <- 
dataset.LL.partial %>% aggregate_Datetime2(unit = "5 mins") %>% 
  gg_day(facetting = FALSE, geom = "blank", y.axis.label = "unrealized Potential") + #base plot
    aes(y = Reference - MEDI, 
        group = consecutive_id((Reference - MEDI) >= 0), 
        fill = (Reference - MEDI) >= 0, 
        col = (Reference - MEDI) >= 0), 
    alpha = 0.25, outline.type = "upper") + 
  guides(fill = "none", col = "none") + 
  geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 0), lty = 2) + 
    scale_fill_manual(values = c("#EFC000", "#0073C2")) + 
    scale_color_manual(values = c("#EFC000", "#0073C2")) + 
#> Scale for fill is already present.
#> Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
#> Scale for colour is already present.
#> Adding another scale for colour, which will replace the existing scale.

Plot_upper / Plot_lower #set up the two plots

This plot requires a bit of preparation, but it focuses nicely on the unrealized daylight potential. For reasons of clarity, the line color for the Brown recommendation was changed from blue to red.

Conclusion: While the second plot option is nice, it focuses on one aspect - the missed or unrealized potential. The geom_ribbon variant still includes this information, but is more general, which is exactly what we want here.

Day.end <- as_datetime("2023-09-01 23:59:59", tz = tz)
Plot <- 
dataset.LL.partial %>% 
  aggregate_Datetime2(unit = "5 mins") %>% filter_Datetime(end = Day.end) %>% 
  gg_day(facetting = FALSE, geom = "blank", y.axis.breaks = c(0, 10^(0:5), 250)) + #base plot
    geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = MEDI, ymax=Reference), 
              alpha = 0.25, fill = "#0073C2FF",
              outline.type = "upper", col = "#0073C2FF", size = 0.15) + #solar reference
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = 0, ymax = MEDI), alpha = 0.30, fill = "#EFC000", 
              outline.type = "upper", col = "#EFC000", size = 0.4) + #ribbon geom

Brown Recommendations

The Brown recommendations add a layer of complexity, as they specify a threshold that should not be reached or that should be exceeded, depending on the time of day. We can tackle this aspect in several ways. In any case, the y-axis should reflect the datime threshhold value of 250 lx. This is already considered through the y.axis.breaks argument in the code chunk above.

Plot + 
  geom_line(aes(y=Reference.Brown), lty = 2, size = 0.4, col = "grey15") #Brown reference

This is a variant of the representation used throught the document. Since the luminous exposure and daylight levels are very distinct in terms of color, however, the line could stay black.

#This section will be integrated into a LightLogR function in the future
Day.start <- as_datetime("2023-09-01 00:00:00", tz = tz)
Day.end <- as_datetime("2023-09-01 23:59:59", tz = tz)
Interval <- lubridate::interval(start = Day.start, end = Day.end, tzone = tz)
Brown.times <- 
  Brown.intervals %>% 
  filter(Interval %>% int_overlaps(.env$Interval)) %>% 
  mutate(ymin = case_match(State.Brown,
                           "night"  ~ 0,
                           "day" ~ 250,
                           "evening" ~ 0),
         ymax = case_match(State.Brown,
                           "night"  ~ 1,
                           "day" ~ Inf,
                           "evening" ~ 10),
         xmin = int_start(Interval),
         xmax = int_end(Interval),
         xmin = if_else(xmin < Day.start, Day.start, xmin)  %>% hms::as_hms(),
         xmax = if_else(xmax > Day.end, Day.end, xmax) %>% hms::as_hms()

recommendations <- 
    data = Brown.times, 
    aes(xmin= xmin, xmax = xmax, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax), 
    inherit.aes = FALSE,
    alpha = 0.15,
    fill = "grey35")

Plot2 <- Plot
Plot2$layers <- c(recommendations, Plot2$layers)

Plot2+geom_line(aes(y=Reference.Brown), lty = 2, size = 0.4, col = "grey35") 

With the geom_area function we can draw target areas for our values.

Plot + 
  geom_point(aes(col = Reference.Brown.check), size = 0.5)+
  geom_line(aes(y=Reference.Brown), lty = 2, size = 0.4, col = "grey60") + #Brown reference
  scale_color_manual(values = c("grey50", "#EFC000"))+
  guides(color = "none")
#> Scale for colour is already present.
#> Adding another scale for colour, which will replace the existing scale.

This approach uses a conditional coloration of points, depending on whether or not the personal luminous exposure is within the recommended limits.

Conclusion: The geom_point solution combines a lot of information in a designwise slim figure that only uses two colors (+grey) to get many points across.

Plot <- 
Plot + 
  geom_point(aes(col = Reference.Brown.check), size = 0.5)+
                # group = consecutive_id(State.Brown)
            col = "grey40",
            lty = 2, size = 0.4) + #Brown reference
  scale_color_manual(values = c("grey50", "#EFC000"))+
  guides(color = "none")

Final Touches

Our figure needs some final touches before we can use it, namely labels. Automatic guides and labels work well when we use color palettes. Here, we mostly specified the coloring ourselves. Thus we disabled automatic guides. Instead we will solve this trough annotations.

x <- 900

Brown.times <- 
  Brown.times %>% 
  mutate(xmean = (xmax - xmin)/2 + xmin,
         label.Brown = case_match(State.Brown,
                                  "night" ~ "sleep",
                                  "evening" ~ "pre-bed",
                                  .default = State.Brown))

Plot + 
  # geom_vline(data = Brown.times[-1,],
  #            aes(xintercept = xmin), lty = 2, col = "grey40", size = 0.4) + #adding vertical lines
  geom_label(data = Brown.times[-4,], 
             aes(x = xmean, y = 0.3, label = label.Brown), 
             col = "grey40", alpha = 0.75) + #adding labels
  annotate("rect", fill = "white", xmin = 0, xmax = 7.5*60*60, 
           ymin = 2500, ymax = 60000)+
  annotate("text", x=x, y = 1.7, label = "Brown et al. (2022)", 
           hjust = 0, col = "grey25")+
  annotate("text", x=x, y = 40000, label = "- Exposure within", 
           hjust = 0, col = "#EFC000")+
  annotate("text", x=x, y = 19500, label = "  recommended levels or", 
           hjust = 0, col = "black")+
  annotate("text", x=x, y = 10000, label = "  outside", 
           hjust = 0, col = "grey50")+
  annotate("text", x=x, y = 4000, label = "- Daylight Potential", 
           hjust = 0, col = "#0073C2DD")

ggplot2::ggsave("images/Day.png", width = 7, height = 4, dpi = 600)

This concludes our task. We have gone from importing multiple source files to a final figure that is ready to be used in a publication. LightLogR facilitated the importing and processing steps in between and also enabled us to test various decisions, like the choice of geom or time.aggregation.