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This article focuses on two important aspects of light logger analysis: structuring data into relevant groups and calculating personal light exposure metrics for them. LightLogR contains a large set of over 60 metrics and sub-metrics across multiple functions, where each constitutes a family of light exposure metrics. The following packages are needed for the analysis:

Importing Data

We will use data imported and cleaned already in the article Import & Cleaning.

data <- readRDS("cleaned_data/ll_data.rds")

As can be seen by using gg_overview(), the dataset contains 17 ids with one weeks worth of data each, and one to three participants per week.

Metric principles

There are a lot of metrics associated with personal light exposure. You can find the function reference to all of them in the appropriate reference section. There are a few important distinctions between metrics that are important to understand:

  • Some metrics require or work best with a specific time frame, usually one day, while others are calculated over an arbitrary length of time. For example, the function interdaily_stability() calculates a metric over multiple days, while a function like midpointCE() calculates the midpoint of the cumulative light exposure within the given time series - this is less useful for multiple days, where the midpoint is just a time point during these days. E.g., for two similar light exposure patterns across two days, the midpoint of cumulative light exposure across those two days will be around midnight, which is not particularly informative. Much more sensible is the midpoint of the light exposure for each day. To enable this, data has to be grouped within days (or other relevant time frames, like sleep/wake-phase).

  • Some metrics are submetrics within a family and have to be actively chosen through the arguments of the function. An example is duration_above_threshold() that, despite its name also provides the metrics duration below threshold and duration within threshold. Depending on its comparison argument, and whether one or two thresholds are provided, the function will calculate different metrics.

  • Some metric functions calculate multiple submetrics at once, like bright_dark_period(). As stated above, this type of function contains metrics accessible through a function argument, period in this case, which allows to specify whether the brightest or darkest periods of the day are required. Independent of this, the function will calculate multiple submetrics at once, which are the onset, midpoint, and offset of the respective period, and also the mean light level during that period.

We will cover the practical considerations following from these aspects in the following sections. Further, every function documentation explicitly states whether different metrics are accessible through parameters, and which metrics are calculated by default.

Note: Most metrics require complete and regular data for a sensible output. While some metrics can handle missing data, it is generally advisable to clean the data before calculating metrics. LightLogR helps to identify gaps and irregularities and can also aggregate data to larger intervals, which can be acceptable for small gaps. In cases of larger gaps, dates or participants might have to be removed from analysis.

Metric calculation: basics

All metric functions are by default agnostic to the type of data. They require vectors of numeric data (e.g., light data) and commonly also of datetimes. This means that the functions can be used outside of the LightLogR framework, if applied correctly. Let us try this with a simple example for a days worth of light data for one participant across two functions.

data_Id201 <- data %>% filter(Id == 201 & date(Datetime) == "2023-08-15")
data_Id201 %>% gg_day()

Time above threshold (TAT)

The first example metric we will calculate is the time above threshold (or TAT) for a threshold of 250 lx mel EDI. TAT is calculated by the function duration_above_threshold().

  Light.vector = data_Id201$MEDI,
  Time.vector = data_Id201$Datetime,
  threshold = 250
#> [1] "34500s (~9.58 hours)"

Specifying the argument comparison = "below" will calculate the time below the threshold.

  Light.vector = data_Id201$MEDI,
  Time.vector = data_Id201$Datetime,
  threshold = 250,
  comparison = "below"
#> [1] "51900s (~14.42 hours)"

And specifying two thresholds will calculate the time within the thresholds.

  Light.vector = data_Id201$MEDI,
  Time.vector = data_Id201$Datetime,
  threshold = c(10,250)
#> [1] "15320s (~4.26 hours)"

Brightest 10 hours of the day (L10)

The second example metric yields multiple submetrics at once. The function bright_dark_period() calculates the brightest and darkest periods of the day. By default, it calculates the brightest 10 hour period of the day. By setting as_df = TRUE, the function will return a data frame we can pipe to gt() for a nice output

  Light.vector = data_Id201$MEDI,
  Time.vector = data_Id201$Datetime,
  as.df = TRUE
) %>% gt()
brightest_10h_mean brightest_10h_midpoint brightest_10h_onset brightest_10h_offset
2506.202 2023-08-15 13:42:01 2023-08-15 08:42:11 2023-08-15 18:42:01


Calculating the darkest period of the day is tricky, as it likely traverses midnight. In the following code we can see that the darkest 10-hour period of day begins at midnight and ends at 10 am, which would be very coincidental. (Note that commonly, the darkest 5-hour period is calculated. We deviate from this to make this point.)

M10_wrong <- 
  Light.vector = data_Id201$MEDI,
  Time.vector = data_Id201$Datetime,
  as.df = TRUE,
  period = "darkest",
  timespan = "10 hours"
M10_wrong %>% gt()
darkest_10h_mean darkest_10h_midpoint darkest_10h_onset darkest_10h_offset
305.2523 2023-08-15 04:59:51 2023-08-15 00:00:01 2023-08-15 09:59:51

We also see that this makes little sense, if we visualize this portion. The yellow color indicates the darkest 10-hour period of the day.

Onset <- M10_wrong$darkest_10h_onset
Offset <- M10_wrong$darkest_10h_offset

data_Id201 %>% 
  gg_day(aes_col = Datetime >= Onset & Datetime <= Offset) +
  guides(color = "none")

To solve this, bright_dark_period() and some other functions have the option to loop the day.

M10 <- 
  Light.vector = data_Id201$MEDI,
  Time.vector = data_Id201$Datetime,
  as.df = TRUE,
  period = "darkest",
  timespan = "10 hours",
  loop = TRUE
M10 %>% gt()
darkest_10h_mean darkest_10h_midpoint darkest_10h_onset darkest_10h_offset
1.423622 2023-08-15 01:36:51 2023-08-15 20:37:01 2023-08-15 06:36:51

This is more plausible, and can also be visualized easily.

Onset <- M10$darkest_10h_onset
Offset <- M10$darkest_10h_offset

data_Id201 %>% 
  gg_day(aes_col = Datetime >= Onset | Datetime <= Offset) +
  guides(color = "none")

Metric calculation: advanced

More often than not, metrics are calculated for many participants over prolonged periods of time. In this case, the singular calculation as shown above is inefficient. The dplyr family of dplyr::summarize() and dplyr::reframe() make this much easier.


As we only want to calculate metrics for days with full data, we will exclude Mondays from the data set.

data <- data %>% dplyr::filter(weekdays(Datetime) != "Monday")


The dplyr::summarize() function is used to calculate metrics for each group of data. In the following example, we will calculate Interdaily Stability (IS) for all participants in the data set, giving us the variability of the 24h light exposure patterns across the full 6 days of data compared to their average, ranging between 0 (Gaussian noise) and 1 (Perfect stability). For brevity, only the first 6 Ids will be shown.

data %>% 
    IS = interdaily_stability(
      Light.vector = MEDI,
      Datetime.vector = Datetime
  ) %>% 
  head() %>% gt() 
201 0.5263723
202 0.2058065
204 0.2759852
205 0.3332044
206 0.2453059
208 0.2007277


By default, data imported with LightLogR is grouped by Id, which represents individual participants. When using the dplyr family of functions, grouping is essential, as it specifies the subgroups of data for which the metrics are calculated. In the following example, we will calculate the TAT 250 lx MEDI for all participants in the data set. We only show the first 6 participants, as it becomes readily apparent that time above threshold for 6 days might not be the most informative parametrization of the metric.

data %>% 
    TAT_250 = duration_above_threshold(
      Light.vector = MEDI,
      Time.vector = Datetime,
      threshold = 250
  ) %>% head() %>% gt()
Id TAT_250
201 160180s (~1.85 days)
202 29970s (~8.32 hours)
204 147340s (~1.71 days)
205 98520s (~1.14 days)
206 6320s (~1.76 hours)
208 47140s (~13.09 hours)

Instead, we can calculate the TAT 250 lx MEDI for each participant and day of data. This is more informative, as it allows us to see how the metric changes over time. The final output is for the first two Ids.

#create a new column in the data set with the weekday
data$wDay <- wday(data$Datetime, label = TRUE, week_start = 1)

#group the data and calculate the metrics
TAT_250 <- 
data %>% 
  group_by(wDay, .add = TRUE) %>% 
    TAT_250 = duration_above_threshold(
      Light.vector = MEDI,
      Time.vector = Datetime,
      threshold = 250
    ), .groups = "drop_last"

TAT_250 %>% head(12) %>% gt()
wDay TAT_250
Tue 34500s (~9.58 hours)
Wed 32780s (~9.11 hours)
Thu 21820s (~6.06 hours)
Fri 31670s (~8.8 hours)
Sat 15010s (~4.17 hours)
Sun 24400s (~6.78 hours)
Tue 18760s (~5.21 hours)
Wed 6930s (~1.93 hours)
Thu 200s (~3.33 minutes)
Fri 200s (~3.33 minutes)
Sat 3130s (~52.17 minutes)
Sun 750s (~12.5 minutes)

Metric statistics

With the dataframe TAT_250, we can easily calculate statistics for each participant. This can be done manually, e.g., with another call to dplyr::summarize(), or semi-automatic, e.g., with packages like gtsummary. In the following example, we will calculate the mean and standard deviation of the TAT 250 lx MEDI for each participant, formatted as HH:MM through a styling function.

#styling formula for time
style_time <- function(x, format = "%H:%M"){
  x %>% as.numeric() %>%  hms::as_hms() %>% as.POSIXlt() %>% format(format)

#Table output
TAT_250 %>% 
  tbl_summary(by = Id, include = -wDay, 
              statistic = list(TAT_250 ~ "{mean} ({sd})"), 
              digits = list(TAT_250 ~ style_time),
              label = list(TAT_250 = "Time above 250 lx mel EDI")
Characteristic 201
N = 6
N = 6
N = 6
N = 6
N = 6
N = 6
N = 6
N = 6
N = 6
N = 6
N = 6
N = 6
N = 6
N = 6
N = 6
N = 6
N = 6
Time above 250 lx mel EDI 07:24 (02:06) 01:23 (02:00) 06:49 (01:17) 04:33 (02:20) 00:17 (00:24) 02:10 (01:06) 04:07 (02:30) 08:39 (01:16) 04:50 (01:27) 02:33 (00:52) 04:38 (01:51) 02:06 (01:17) 04:07 (00:57) 01:26 (01:17) 02:45 (00:51) 01:00 (00:57) 00:33 (00:43)
1 Mean (SD)

Metric calculation: batch

In the final section, we will add more metrics to the analysis, including ones with multiple sub-metrics. Further, we imagine we want to know how these metrics change from the first half of the experiment (August/September) to the second half (October/November). Finally, we will include a column in the data set, which will be used to calculate the metrics. This column format excludes the day information from the Datetime column, which avoids date-related issues when calculating the mean of the metrics. Finally, the unnest() call is used to flatten the table from the dataframe substructure that is created by MLIT250 and TAT250.

data <- data %>% 
    Month = case_when(month(Datetime) %in% 8:9 ~ "Aug/Sep",
                      month(Datetime) %in% 10:11 ~ "Oct/Nov")
  ) %>% 

metrics <- 
  data %>% 
  group_by(Month, Id, wDay) %>% 
    MLIT250 = 
      timing_above_threshold(MEDI,, threshold = 250, as.df = TRUE),
    TAT250 = 
      duration_above_threshold(MEDI,, threshold = 250, as.df = TRUE),
    average_MEDI = 
    light_exposure = 
      sum(MEDI)/360, # 10 second epochs means 360 epochs in one hour. dividing by 360 gives the light exposure in lx·h
    .groups = "drop_last"
    ) %>% 

#first 6 rows
metrics %>% head() %>% gt()
wDay mean_timing_above_250 first_timing_above_250 last_timing_above_250 duration_above_250 average_MEDI light_exposure
Aug/Sep - 201
Tue 13:55:49 07:48:01 19:43:41 34500s (~9.58 hours) 1094.7256 26273.415
Wed 12:53:04 07:03:01 19:46:41 32780s (~9.11 hours) 772.7199 18545.278
Thu 14:25:57 08:41:11 19:27:11 21820s (~6.06 hours) 263.1571 6315.771
Fri 13:12:42 07:14:41 18:51:21 31670s (~8.8 hours) 829.2784 19902.681
Sat 11:29:02 07:08:41 20:40:41 15010s (~4.17 hours) 559.5345 13428.829
Sun 12:46:28 07:23:01 19:12:21 24400s (~6.78 hours) 183.3234 4399.761

The operation above yields a data frame with six metrics across 102 participant days (6 days for 17 participants). The grouping for Month did not add additional groups, as each participant day is already solely in the "Aug/Sep" or "Oct/Nov" group. Next, we will regroup the data by Month and look at a summary table similar to the above, but for more metrics.

metrics <- metrics %>% group_by(Month) %>% select(-Id, -wDay)

#Table output
metrics %>% 
  tbl_summary(by = Month,
              statistic = list(all_continuous() ~ "{mean} (±{sd})"),
              digits = list(
                  mean_timing_above_250, first_timing_above_250, 
                  last_timing_above_250, duration_above_250
                  ) ~ style_time),
              label = list(
                mean_timing_above_250 = 
                  "mean timing above 250 lx mel EDI (HH:MM)",
                first_timing_above_250 = 
                  "first time above 250 lx mel EDI (HH:MM)",
                last_timing_above_250 = 
                  "last time above 250 lx mel EDI (HH:MM)",
                duration_above_250 = "duration above 250 lx mel EDI (HH:MM)",
                average_MEDI = "average mel EDI (lx)",
                light_exposure = "light exposure (lx·h)"
Characteristic Aug/Sep
N = 65
N = 37
mean timing above 250 lx mel EDI (HH:MM) 13:39 (±01:43) 14:03 (±01:41)
first time above 250 lx mel EDI (HH:MM) 08:48 (±02:26) 10:14 (±02:20)
last time above 250 lx mel EDI (HH:MM) 19:09 (±02:20) 18:21 (±02:26)
duration above 250 lx mel EDI (HH:MM) 04:19 (±02:57) 02:02 (±01:32)
average mel EDI (lx) 535 (±505) 234 (±276)
light exposure (lx·h) 12,846 (±12,122) 5,618 (±6,612)
1 Mean (±SD)

And that is all you need to work with metrics in LightLogR. Be sure to look at the documentation for each function to understand the parameters and outputs and at the reference section to get an overview of all available metrics.