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Join Light logging datasets that have a common structure. The least commonality are identical columns for Datetime and Id across all sets.


  Datetime.column = Datetime,
  Id.column = Id,
  add.origin = FALSE,
  debug = FALSE



Object names of datasets that need to be joined.

Datetime.column, Id.column

Column names for the Datetime and id columns. The defaults (Datetime, Id) are already set up for data imported with LightLogR.


Should a column named dataset in the joined data indicate from which dataset each observation originated? Defaults to FALSE as the Id column should suffice. Expects a logical.


Output changes to a tibble indicating which dataset is missing the respective Datetime or Id column. Expects a logical and defaults to FALSE.


One of

  • a data.frame of joined datasets

  • a tibble of datasets with missing columns. Only if debug = TRUE


#load in two datasets
path <- system.file("extdata", 
package = "LightLogR")
file.LL <- ""
file.env <- ""
dataset.LL <- import$ActLumus(file.LL, path, = "^(\\d{3})")
#> Successfully read in 61'016 observations across 1 Ids from 1 ActLumus-file(s).
#> Timezone set is UTC.
#> First Observation: 2023-08-28 08:47:54
#> Last Observation: 2023-09-04 10:17:04
#> Timespan: 7.1 days
#> Observation intervals: 
#>   Id    interval.time     n pct  
#> 1 205   10s           61015 100% 

dataset.env <- import$ActLumus(file.env, path, = "CW35")
#> Successfully read in 20'143 observations across 1 Ids from 1 ActLumus-file(s).
#> Timezone set is UTC.
#> First Observation: 2023-08-28 08:28:39
#> Last Observation: 2023-09-04 08:19:38
#> Timespan: 7 days
#> Observation intervals: 
#>   Id    interval.time     n pct  
#> 1 CW35  29s               1 0%   
#> 2 CW35  30s           20141 100% 

#join the datasets
joined <- join_datasets(dataset.LL, dataset.env)

#compare the number of rows
nrow(dataset.LL) + nrow(dataset.env) == nrow(joined)
#> [1] TRUE

#debug, when set to TRUE, will output a tibble of datasets with missing necessary columns
dataset.LL <- dataset.LL %>% dplyr::select(-Datetime)
join_datasets(dataset.LL, dataset.env, debug = TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 2 × 2
#> dataset.LL
#>   <chr>           <lgl>     
#> 1 Datetime        FALSE     
#> 2 Id              TRUE