Returns the import expression for all device in LightLogR.
These expressions are used to import and prepare data from specific devices.
The list is made explicit, so that a user, requiring slight changes to the
import functions, (e.g., because a timestamp is formatted differently) can
modify or add to the list. The list can be turned into a fully functional
import function through import_adjustment()
#> $ActLumus
#> {
#> data <- suppressMessages(readr::read_delim(filename, skip = 32,
#> delim = ";", n_max = n_max, col_types = paste0("c", paste0(rep("d",
#> 32), collapse = "")), id = "", locale = locale,
#> name_repair = "universal", ...))
#> data <- data %>% dplyr::rename(Datetime = DATE.TIME, MEDI = MELANOPIC.EDI) %>%
#> dplyr::mutate(Datetime = Datetime %>% lubridate::dmy_hms(tz = tz))
#> }