Sample of wearable data combined with environmental data
A subset of data from a study at the TSCN-Lab using the ActLumus light logger. This dataset contains personal light exposure information for one participant over the course of six full days. The dataset is measured with a 10 second epoch and is complete (no missing values). Additionally environmental light data was captured with a second light logger mounted horizontally at the TUM university roof, without any obstructions (besides a transparent plastic halfdome). The epoch for this data is 30 seconds. This dataset allows for some interesting calculations based on available daylight at a given point in time.
A tibble with 69,120 rows and 3 columns:
- Datetime
POSIXct Datetime
melanopic EDI measurement data. Unit is lux.
- Id
vector indicating whether the data is from theParticipant
or from theEnvironment