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This is a niche helper function to normalize counts. Some sensors provide raw counts and gain levels as part of their output. In some cases it is desirable to compare counts between sensors, e.g., to gauge daylight outside by comparing UV counts to photopic counts (a high ratio of UV/Pho indicates outside daylight). Or to gauge daylight inside by comparing IR counts to photopic counts (a high ratio of IR/Pho with a low ratio of UV/Pho indicates daylight in the context of LED or fluorescent lighting). The user can provide their own gain ratiotable, or use a table provided for a sensor in the gain.ratio.table dataset from LightLogR.


normalize_counts(dataset, gain.columns, count.columns, gain.ratio.table)



a data.table containing gain and count columns.


a character vector of columns in the dataset containing a gain setting. Columns must not repeat.


a character vector of columns in the dataset containing raw count data. Must be of the same length as gain.columns, and the order must conform to the order in gain.columns.


a two-column tibble containing gain and gain.ratio information. Can be provided by the user or use the gain.ratio.table dataset.


an extended dataset with new columns containing normalized counts


example.table <- 
uvGain = c(4096, 1024, 2),
visGain = c(4096, 4096, 4096),
irGain = c(2,2,2),
uvValue = c(692, 709, 658),
visValue = c(128369, 129657, 128609),
irValue = c(122193, 127113, 124837))

gain.columns = c("uvGain", "visGain", "irGain")
count.columns = c("uvValue", "visValue", "irValue")

example.table |> 
normalize_counts(gain.columns, count.columns, gain.ratio.tables$TSL2585)
#> # A tibble: 3 × 9
#>   uvGain visGain irGain uvValue visValue irValue uvValue.normalized
#>    <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>              <dbl>
#> 1   4096    4096      2     692   128369  122193               27.3
#> 2   1024    4096      2     709   129657  127113               95.6
#> 3      2    4096      2     658   128609  124837            41433. 
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: visValue.normalized <dbl>, irValue.normalized <dbl>