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Filter Times in a dataset.


  Datetime.colname = Datetime,
  start = NULL,
  end = NULL,
  length = NULL



A light logger dataset. Expects a dataframe. If not imported by LightLogR, take care to choose a sensible variable for the Datetime.colname.


column name that contains the datetime. Defaults to "Datetime" which is automatically correct for data imported with LightLogR. Expects a symbol. Needs to be part of the dataset. Must be of type POSIXct.

start, end, length

a character scalar in the form of "hh-mm-ss" giving the respective start, end, or length for the filtered dataframe. The input can also come from a POSIXct datetime, where only the time component will be used.

  • If one or both of start/end are not provided, the times will be taken from the respective extreme values of the dataset.

  • If length is provided and one of start/end is not, the other will be calculated based on the given value.

  • If length is provided and both of start/end are not, the time from the respective start is taken.


a data.frame object identical to dataset but with only the specified Times.

See also

Other filter: filter_Datetime()

Examples %>%
filter_Time(start = "4:00:34", length = "12:00:00") %>%
dplyr::pull( %>% range() %>% hms::as_hms()
#> 04:00:34
#> 16:00:34