Standard Operating Procedure for Example Device
This template provides the structure for any SOP. Please add all the necessary sections. Note that, the section General Procedure is for an overview. An experiment must be described exhaustively in Experiment Procedures, thus redundancy may be necessary. Moreover, for any experiment, there needs to be a project-independent description. in Experiment Procedures and project-specific variations are linked in the beginning of the respective section.
Before publishing the SOP for a device, delete any examples and italic descriptions.
For creating neat tables, you can use a Online Table Generator.
Device | Brand, Model |
Objective | Describe objective of measurements |
Owner | Firstname Lastname |
Reviewer | Firstname Lastname |
Approver | Firstname Lastname |
Contributors | Firstname Lastname |
Version | Start with 1.0.0 |
Last edit | Firstname Lastname |
Date | 20241213 |
Start up
Describe how to start up devices
- Checklist for materials
- Device model & serial number
- Accessories
- Parts
- Software with version number
- etc.
- Start up system
- Turn on power strip
- etc.
Describe setup during experiment and necessary preparations before participant arrival.
- Position chair to ...
- Enter participant ID by doing ...
- ...
General Procedure
Procedures general to all experiments
Welcome particpant
- Ask to turn of mobile.
- etc.
- Describe how to run a demo.
- etc.
Experiment Procedure
Procedure for specific Experiments. Must not be project specific but experimet specific. Any project specific variation need to be linked to another section.
Measurement A
List variations with links first.
Description | Link to variation |
Project A | Project A measurement A |
Project B | Project B measurement A |
Describe general of an experiment A in detail. For instructions, please provide english and german versions, with help of or a collegue's.
Do X.
Participant instruction (EN/DE):
This is an instruction. English instruction first. For writing a multi-line instruction, kist continue to write after the ">" without empty lines. You can use line breaks.
Dies ist eine Instruktion. Enter german instructions afterwards. Use an empty line before instructions in other languates.
Do Y.
Measurement B
Same structure as example measurement A.
Data Saving
Describe here how to save data. Can be multiple sections, e.g. "Export Data" and "Transfer to Storage"
Export/Access Data
- How to access generated data and how to export data from the software.
- etc.
Transfer to Storage
- How to store data in designated storage space.
- etc.
Description | Link to variation |
Project A | Project A storage transfer |
Project B | Project B storage transfer |
Shut down
Describe here how to end experiment and shut down system
Project specific measurements
Measurement A in Project X
Variation of Measurement A. Example measurement A is described in Example Measurement A